I’m off to church today.
just to see my grandparents really. Afterwards I’m going to go over to their house and show them my Paris pictures.
Anyone who has WinXP or XP Pro, do you know how to get rid of icons in the system tray? Namely the ones for Wireless Connection. I can’t get them to go away! I don’t use them and they’re cluttering up my desktop. I hate that! I’m not used to not being able to figure this out.
Friday I took my cousin Kevin to work with me. I had a few little things he could do, putting together some packets and things. So he did that. He did pretty well. But eventually I ran out of things for him to do. For a while I let him sit in my chair, but he got bored and kept asking questions and wandering around and stuff. So I took him out on the back door (the dock was open because it was warm) and I sat him down there and said, “I need to you to watch for an orange truck. We’re waiting for the orange truck, so as soon as you see it come get me.” I knew there would be no orange trucks going by, but it would give him something to do. So I went back to working, and he sat out there watching for the truck. A little while later, I heard him say, “Are you watching for the orange truck too?”
I realised he was talking to the guys from next door who were standing outside smoking. LMAO. I called him back inside and made him read a booklet. I wonder what they said?